研究紀要(英文)「Nature and Human Activities」No. 1-12
『Nature and Human Activities』Print ISSN: 1342-0054 Online ISSN: 2433-5711

Nature and Human Activities No12 2007.12.発行 | |
Original Articles | |
Moscovian to Capitanian foraminifers Contained in limestone breccias of debris avalanche deposits of the Upper Cretaceous Ise Formation in Irino, NE of Tatsuno, Hyogo‐Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic foraminifers of Hyogo, Part 8 |
Fumio Kobayashi |
Late Early Carboniferous and Early Permian foraminifers contained in limestone fragments of conglomerate of the Lower Cretaceous Sasayama Group, Hyogo‐Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic foraminifers of Hyogo, Part 9 |
Fumio Kobayashi |
Distribution of chloroplast DNA haplotypes of Japanese beech (Fagus crenata, Fagaceae) in Hyogo Prefecture |
Atsuko Takano, |

Nature and Human Activities No10 2006.3.発行 | |
Original Articles |
Late Middle Permian(Capitanian) foraminifers in the Miharayama area, Hyogo |
Fumio Kobayashi |
Latest Permian(Changhsingian) foraminifers in the Mikata area,Hyogo |
Fumio Kobayashi |
Early Late Permian(Wuchiapingian) foraminifers in the Tatsuno area,Hyogo |
Species-area relationship of fragmented lucidophyllous in japan | Hiroaki Ishida and Tamotsu Hattori |

Nature and Human Activities No9 2005.3.発行 | |
Original Articles |
Middle Permian foraminifers of Kametsubo,Fukusaki, Hyogo -Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic foraminifers of Hyogo,Japan,Part 1- |
Fumio Kobayashi |
Early Permian Fusulinaceans in the Hanagiri-Shimokuzu Area,eastern part of the Kanto Mountains,Japan 1 2 |
Fumio Kobayashi |
Ryoichi Doi | |
Report | |
Microclimate mitigation in shrine/temple forests of southeastern Hyogo Prefecture | Hiroaki Ishii,Shiori Sato and Ayako Iwasaki |
A report involving no dance and rare dance performances of worker honeybees after visiting the feeding station. | Takeshi Ohtani, Hidetoshi Ikeno and Misako Wakazono |

Nature and Human Activities No8 2004.2.発行 | |
Original Articles |
Effects of selective logging on the microhabitat use-patterns of non-volant small mammals in a Bornean tropical lowland mixed-dipterocarp forest |
Henry Bernard ヘンリー・バーナード |
Report |
Flora of the lucidophyllous forest in Japan |
Tamotsu Hattori, Noriko Minamiyama, Yoshinobu Hashimoto and Hiroaki Ishida 服部 保・南山典子・橋本佳延・石田弘明 |
Catalogue |
Catalogue of the Pliocene Mollusca from the Tonohama Group in Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan, in the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo (Takao Sendo Collection) |
Takashi Matsubara |
Data |
Atlas of Holocene notches and the coral reef terraces of the Philippine Islands (I) |
Yasuo Maeda and Fernando P. Siringan 前田保夫・フェルナンド・P.・シリンガン |

Nature and Human Activities No7 2002.10.発行 | |
Original Articles |
A partial skeleton of Paleoparadoxia from San-yama, Ogano-cho, Saitama Prefecture, central Japan. |
Haruo Saegusa |
Report |
Hiroshi Sato | |
A report on four dance performance of two worker honeybees visiting the feeding station regularly | Takeshi Ohtani |

Nature and Human Activities No5 2000.発行 | |
Original Articles |
Yoshihisa Sawada | |
Report |
Chinese fusulinaceans kept in the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo, Japan |
Fumio Kobayashi and Atsuko Ujimaru |
A preliminary report on the dance performance of honeybees at very near distance from the hive | Takeshi Ohtani |
Park and greenery forms through participation of local residents after Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake | Isao Nakase, Mari Fujimoto, Hiroki Akazawa and Yuko Mizuno |
List | |
List of the type-specimens of sawflies (Insecta: Hymenoptera) described by R. Inomata in the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo | Akinori Nakanishi and Tikahiko Naito |

Nature and Human Activities No4 1999.発行 | |
Original Articles |
Batrachospermum gombakense (Batrachospermaceae, Rhodophyta), new to Sabah, Malaysia |
Ann Anton, Hiroshi Sato, Shigeru Kumano and Maryati Mohamed |
Leaf anatomy of Beilschmiedia (Lauraceae) in the neotropics |
Sachiko Nishida and David C. Christophel |
Shigehiro Katoh, Tohru Dankara, William K. Hart and Giday WoldeGabriel | |
Report | |
Additions to the list of Tsuneki's type-speciments of Hymenoptera in the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo | Yoshiaki Hashimoto and Akinori Nakanishi |
Miscellanea | |
Tabin Scientific Expedition 1 and Inbentory 1998: Its outline and a record of actions of Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo | Akinori Nakanishi, Akira Takahashi and Yoshiaki Hashimoto |
Symposium | |
Sanda International Conference on Urban Planning in the 21st Century | Isao Nakase and Hiroki Akazawa(eds.): Kay Caldwell, Herbert Zimmermann, Sheila Feld, Takeo Uesugi and Isao Nakase |

Nature and Human Activities No3 1998.発行 | |
Original Articles |
Takashi Matsubara | |
Shigeru Toda, Shigehiro Katoh, Fumio Kobayashi, Toshiyuki Kagawa, Hiroshi Yokota, Koichi Nakagawa, Keiji Takemura and Atsumasa Okada |
Castanopsis cuspidata dominated coppices in southern Miyazaki Prefecture |
Hiroaki Ishida and Tamotsu Hattori |

Nature and Human Activities No2 1997.発行 | |
Taxonomic studies of Japanese Formicidae part3:genus Vollenhovia Mayr |
Mamoru Terayama and Kyoichi Kinomura |
Taxonomic studies of mosses of Seram and Ambon(Moluccas, East Malesia) Collected by Indonesian-Japanese Botanical Expeditions Ⅷ. Meteoriaceae, Hookeriaceae,and Trachypodaceae | Hiroyuki Akiyama |
Japanese Lauxaniidae(Diptera), Ⅴ | Mitsuhiro Sasakawa |
A case of spontaneous gynandromorph in Drosophila melanogaster | Yonetaro Maeda |
Forest vegetation of the Taisan-ji, Kobe-city, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan | Seiji Kodate, Tamotsu Hattori and Hiroyuki Ishida |
Takeshi Suzuki, Keiko Murayama, Yasuro Kadono and Teruto Nagayoshi | |
Toyohei Saigusa, Akinori Nakanishi and Xingcai Liang |
Takeyuki Nakamura and Toyohei Saigusa | |
Immature stages of Pseudergolis wedah (Kollar, 1844) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) | Akinori Nakanishi, Toyohei Saigusa, Wan-yuan Zhao and Chang-lian Li |

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