This vegetation database was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP15K16281 (Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Research leader: Yoshinobu Hashimoto).
Usage notes
1. Citation
When downloading data from the HITOHAKU vegetation database, a registered user is immediately redirected to a page that includes the following information:
Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo(eds.) (2016–) Hitohaku vegetation database. (accessed on 2-05-2025)
We strongly recommend that you indicate the registration number of each piece of vegetation investigation material you cite in the text.
2. Non-disclosure of endangered species information
To prevent the theft of endangered species, this database does not include distribution information on endangered species listed on the Red Lists issued by national and local governments.
If you require data that includes distribution information on endangered species for academic purposes, please contact us directly.
3. Reference standards for scientific names
(1) Identification criteria and accuracy
The vegetation data to be included in this database include data that were investigated and recorded using the phytosociological investigation method. Following the plant classification system at the time of the survey, investigators should carefully attempt to identify the plant in the field during the survey. For species that are difficult to identify during field survey, samples are collected and identified in the laboratory. Much of the vegetation data recorded in the past is not associated with plant specimens; thus, it is difficult to reflect the results of re-identification based on the latest plant classification system.
When using registered vegetation data, please understand that the plant name may be identified using the results of the findings at the time of the survey, possibly resulting in misidentification.
(2)Scientific names of plants
In this database, the scientific names of plants are given based on the following scientific literature.
Jisaburo Ohwi(ed.), Masao Kitagawa(rev.) (1983) New flora of Japan revised. Shibundo, 1716 pp
Toshiyuki Nakaike (1982) New flora of Japan Pteridophyta. Shibundo, 808 pp
However, species not described in this document are listed according to references in the priority given below.
Priority 1: Wild Flowers of Japan series (published by Heibonsha Ltd.)
Yoshisuke Satake, Hiroshi Hara, Shunji Watari and Tadao Tominari(eds.) (1989) Wild Flowers of Japan Woody Plants I. Heibonsha, 321 pp.
Yoshisuke Satake, Hiroshi Hara, Shunji Watari and Tadao Tominari(eds.) (1989) Wild Flowers of Japan Woody Plants II. Heibonsha, 305 pp.
Yoshisuke Satake, Jisaburo Ohwi, Shiro Kitamura, Shunji Watari and Tadao Tominari(eds.) (1982) Wild Flowers of Japan Herbaceous Plants (including Dwarf Subshrubs) I. Heibonsha, 305 pp.
Yoshisuke Satake, Jisaburo Ohwi, Shiro Kitamura, Shunji Watari and Tadao Tominari(eds.) (1982) Wild Flowers of Japan Herbaceous Plants (including Dwarf Subshrubs) II. Heibonsha, 318 pp.
Yoshisuke Satake, Jisaburo Ohwi, Shiro Kitamura, Shunji Watari and Tadao Tominari(eds.) (1981) Wild Flowers of Japan Herbaceous Plants (including Dwarf Subshrubs) III. Heibonsha, 259 pp.
Kunio Iwatsuki(eds.) (1992) Ferns and Allies of Japan. Heibonsha, 311 pp.
Tatemi Shimizu(eds.) (2003) Naturalized Plants of Japan. Heibonsha, 336 pp.
Priority 2: Naturalized plant invaders of Japan series
Kunihiro Shimizu, Hirohiko Morita and Nobushichi Hirota (eds.) (2001) Naturalized plant invaders of Japan-600 Invaders. Zenkokunousonkyouikukyoukai, 554 pp.
Shuji Uyemura, Teruo Katsuyama, Norihiro Shimizu, Mitsuo Mizuta, Hirohiko Morita, Nobushichi Hirota and Naoki Ikehara (eds.) (2010) Naturalized plant invaders of Japan-500 invaders. Zenkokunousonkyouikukyoukai, 579 pp.
Priority 3: Naturalized plant invaders of Japan series
Yotaro Tsukamoto (eds.) (1994) The Grand Dictionary of Horticulture 1. Shogakukan, 1524 pp.
Yotaro Tsukamoto (eds.) (1994) The Grand Dictionary of Horticulture 2. Shogakukan, 1575 pp.
4. Scales of visual estimates of the abundance of plant species in this database
In this database, the cover-abundance of vegetation data was assessed using either the Braun-Blanquet (1964) scale or as a percentage.
Braun-Blanquet, J. (1964) Pflanzensoziologie, 3 Aufl.Springer-Verlag, Wien.
5. Quadrat size
In the phytosociological method, the quadrat area is generally estimated visually. However, this database contains vegetation data for which the quadrat size was determined by visual estimation or by actual measurement of the surface area. The search results indicate whether the quadrat size is based on visual estimation or actual measurement.
6. Retrieved items
In this database, it is possible to search for vegetation data by survey date, species scientific name (appearance hierarchy or cover-abundance can be specified), and locality (address or latitude and longitude).
7. Download search results
You can download the search results as a .CSV file in database format. To protect threatened species, the downloaded data do not include information on those species. If you require data on endangered species for academic research, please contact us directly.
8. Positional accuracy of the vegetation data survey points
There is variation in the positional accuracy of the survey points for vegetation data registered in this database. Because past vegetation data cannot be re-obtained, if the vegetation data includes information that can be used to estimate the study site (e.g., a mountain name or a lower-level address), it has been entered in the database.
9. Handling of omitted survey items
Some of vegetation data registered in this database include missing information, such as topographical information (altitude, slope exposition, slope inclination, topography classification, etc.), the height and coverage of a layer, or the investigator’s name. However, we think that knowledge of the species composition is more important, and will register incomplete data.
10. Language
The language used in the database is English only.
11. Contact address
Division of Ecological Restoration, Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo, Yayoigaoka 6, Sanda, Hyogo Prefecture, 669-1546 Japan.